
Parking Ticket Management System

Product Code: CPM 1006

Our Clients

Mr. Tanvir

H#199 (1st Floor), R#01, New DOHS Mohakhali, Dhaka-1206, Bangladesh

Office Amenities

  • icon for Place For Namaz of Nobarun
    Place For Namaz
  • icon for Accepts Card Payment of Nobarun
    Accepts Card Payment
  • icon for Bike Parking Facility of Nobarun
    Bike Parking Facility
  • icon for Car Street Parking of Nobarun
    Car Street Parking
  • icon for Lift / Elevetor of Nobarun
    Lift / Elevetor
  • icon for Smoking Zone of Nobarun
    Smoking Zone
  • icon for Wireless Internet of Nobarun
    Wireless Internet

High Security

Featured Image for High Security

Automated parking ticket management system is highly secured system. It will guard your vehicle’s safety during the parking time. This smart system applies highly secured process to make your transaction transparent and secured. It also records your payment details digitally. This system can remove all kind of corruption regarding money. So, this smart car parking management system ensure your security first.

Easy Entry and Exit

Featured Image for Easy Entry and Exit

Parking Charge System utilize a simple and smart entry and exit process. It uses barcode technology and magnetic stripe technology (cards or tickets) to enter into the parking lot. Automatic barriers made the system easy and time saving. Exit process also follows the same system. At the same time the smart parking system store all entries and exits for security. There is a data buck-up system to ensure data preservation for future needs.

Smart Payment System

Featured Image for Smart Payment System

Parking Ticket Management System adopt a Secured and trustworthy payment system. This system enables car owners and drivers to pay through parking meter. Owners and drivers can use credit cards, debit card and other type of cards for their payment. It saves time and make transaction trustworthy. On the other hand, conventional cash payment system takes much time. Moreover, if a fee is applied to parking, the system will tell us how much fee a card holder will have to pay for how many hours of parking

Smart Car Guidance

Featured Image for Smart Car Guidance

This smart vehicle parking management system direct drivers inside and outside of the parking lot. At entrance of the parking lot, this system uses a display to inform drivers time, date, real-time temperature and other parking related information. It also informs the parking availability and number of vacant plots. Moreover, the system guide vehicles to the vacant plot through different signs and text.

Maximize Your Revenue

Featured Image for Maximize Your Revenue

Parking ticket machine system is beneficial to your business. Adopting the smart parking management, your business can attract customers attention by the smooth and comfortable parking management. It also helps you to gain trust of customers easily. Overall, your business will broaden and the revenue will increase bizarrely. You will obtain trust to charge premium for the use of your smart and friendly parking facility.

Smart Alert System

Featured Image for Smart Alert System

Smart alert system is the most amazing feature of this Parking Ticket Management System. Smart alert system warns you about any danger and wrong parking. This system is most helpful when you enter or exit from parking lot. As most of the parking lot of Bangladesh use same way to enter into and exit, this may bring unexpected accident. In this case, alert system help driver to avoid coalition. When a car exits, alerting-light warn other not to enter into the parking lot. Similarly, a car enters in the parking lot, this system alert driver not to exit on that time.

Different Type of Identification

Featured Image for Different Type of Identification

Automated parking management system operates different types of identification including, Driver based identification, Vehicle based identification and so on. Long range driver identification ensures that a vehicle can never get access to a secured area unless occupied by an authorized driver. On the other hand, automatic long-range identification of a vehicle from distances up to 10 meters (33 feet) even when a vehicle is traveling at high speed.

Area of use

Featured Image for Area of use

Any institution that has to deal with huge number traffics can use this automated ticket parking management system. Usually, this system is applied to garage, airports, embassies, banks, government Institutions, military Camps. Any commercial or private establishment who wants to manage its parking lot smartly and hassle free, can use parking ticket payment system to boost their efficiency and productivity.

Biometric Fingerprint System:

Featured Image for Biometric Fingerprint System:

Smart parking Charge System use fingerprint of driver or owner to allow into the parking lot and exit from the parking lot. This biometric fingerprint system enables the total system more secured and authentic to customers. It helps authority to protect safety and security of vehicles. This biometric fingerprint protects vehicles from thieves and other potential threats.

Time Saving

Featured Image for Time Saving

Parking Ticket Management System approach save time of parking lot authority and customs. It operates all activities automatically and take less time than conventional parking management. In conventional way, drivers can not know which plot is vacant. It takes more time to find out the valet parking plot. By contrast, automated parking system can easily inform the vacant plot and guide the care to the plot in a very shot time. Manual cash payment takes huge time. But this system enables smart payment system for customers.

Cost Saving System

Featured Image for Cost Saving System

Smart vehicle parking management system is cost-effective system. At a parking lot of heavy traffic area, an active team of 15-20 employees required to manage the total parking system. However, smart vehicle parking management system just requires one employee to manage the complete system. Thus, you can save your many and labor.

Product Special Features

  • Smart Parking Management
  • Anti Theft
  • Security Management
  • Quick Guidance
  • Payment System
  • Cost effective solution

Product Specification


Ticket, Time management

Anti Theft System


Total Booth

As required


As required

Security Products

Barrier / Crash Rated Barrier

Parking Barrier

Required Minimum 2 pcs



Parking Guidance

Yes, As Required

Direction Sign

Yes, As Required


Single Way / Double Way

Optional Product

Speed Humps, Wheel Stopper

Vehicle Type

Any Vehicle

Payment System

Cash / Card (On time & Monthly)

VIP Parking

Special Order / Fixed Parking Reserve

Frequently asked questions and Answers

Automatic parking system is a high secured, smart paring management process that enables driver to park vehicles at right place without any hassles. This system uses advanced technology which operates all Parking Slot Management automatically. It uses smart payment system instead of manual cash payment.

We, continuously, face problems when we park our vehicle at office, garage, bank, or other parking lots. Sometimes it consumes huge time to park a car. Moreover, we get into collision when we enter into the parking lot. Because, most of the Bangladeshi parking lot use one-way parking system. To avoid all mentioned hassles, automated parking management system is used.

Parking Ticket Management System determine the empty spaces of the parking lot and shows on the entry-display. It informs driver availability of spaces. Driver allowed to enter the parking lot through card and ticketing identification system. Drivers can pay through the parking meter. They pay through a smart booth. The smart parking management help driver to park the vehicles the right place without help of employees. The system uses different signals and signs to direct cars to avoid collision.

After adopting this automated Parking Ticket Management System , there are no chances to steal vehicle from the parking lot. Because it checks security at the entry and exit. Without proper authorization, no one can maintain the car as it uses fingerprint security. It also utilizes driver based and vehicle-based identification.

This is a parking management system that need various hardware and software to install the total system. It needs a car parking machine, parking pay machine, and token system, sensors, a monitoring station with equipment, automated barriers, a clear display, and other alerting lights and signs.

Parking Ticket Management System installation may divide in several location including entry station, exit station, and monitoring station and the parking lot. First, Install the entry station which includes smart barrier, loop director, other optional devices. No employees need here. Install the display at the entrance. Second, Install pay station, barrier, loop director and other optional devices. Third, set up the base station of data collection and management and monitoring the process. Finally, install sensors and cameras in the parking lot, exit and entry station and connect them to the base station’s hardware and software.

This automatic system charged vehicle automatically for hourly parking. It will notify you about payment. Owners and drivers can use credit cards, debit card and other type of cards for their payment. Moreover, if a fee is applied to parking, the system will tell us how much fee a card holder will have to pay for how many hours of parking.

Using the automated ticket parking system, you will be charge 2000-5000 TK monthly.

If you want to save you money and attract you customers, you need to use this ticket parking management system. It will broaden your business and maximize you profit.

Yes, you can update the Software according to your choice.

Yes, authority can park their vehicles without payment. They can customize these vehicles number in the smart ticket parking management system.

Under this Parking Ticket Management System , no one can cheat the billed money. Because, this system make bill automatically by built-in software. But, in manual payment process, anyone can cheat. Guard can cheat by giving bike bill instead of car bill parking bill. But, the smart parking system make the bill automatically through the sensor, camera, and software.

Yes, this system automatically calculates the total entries, exits and income every day. You can calculate it weekly, monthly, and yearly according to your need.

There is no compulsory number of vehicles to start the system. You can start smart ticket parking management from two or three cars. But, the smart parking management process is most beneficial when you have to maintain a collection 60, 100, 200 or more cars.

Having stock or not and comparing to the world market, this products price can be up & down. But right now, Parking Ticket Management System Starting Cost is 5,50,000 Taka Price in Bangladesh. If you want to buy, the price can be up & down depending on the feature, specification and other customization.​

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Shafin Ahmed

From Premier Hotel Management Co. Ltd on 15th Dec, 2019


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